
Bronze finished Horse created by Montana sculptor, Deborah Butterfield. Horses have been the single, sustained focus of Butterfield’s work for over 20 years—a remarkably prolonged, disciplined and ultimately poetic inquiry into our relationship with the organic world, with other life forms and with ourselves. Her early work, fragile forms created from mud, sticks and straw, as well as full-sized horses constructed of sticks and found metal, evoked horses either standing or resting on the ground. Since the mid-1980s she has been creating full-size and smaller works from sticks and branches, and casting the finished sculpture in bronze. Furthermore, her work has special meaning in Montana, where she has chosen to make her home. The horse is a key part of Western culture and mystique, and Butterfield has captured its spirit and beauty in a way that speaks clearly to all who view her art.


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Address160 West Liberty Reno, Nevada 89501
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American Home Project is a nonprofit started by Veterans and the family of Veterans, as ...
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